Herbies Pizza UK.

Services Engaged:

  • Brand Development
  • Fractional CMO / Strategy
  • Social Media Management
  • Paid Media
  • Internal Communications
  • Data Purchase
  • Email Marketing

Building a partnership that responds to the needs of head office executives and store franchisees.

Problems the Company Faced.

With over 20 stores to manage across the UK, Herbies Pizza was dissatisfied with the rigid partnerships of conventional marketing agencies. They needed a flexible, adaptive agency to align with their dynamic business model and processes. With franchisees competing against each other for marketing space, there needed to be a streamlined approach to avoid inconsistent brand messaging, loss of market share and marketing inefficiencies.

Most prominently, the senior team faced the challenge of finding a marketing agency capable of accommodating their unique franchise operational framework. They needed someone who could be agile in growing with evolving market demands as well as internal requirements.

Services Engaged.

After the initial consultation, Herbies Pizza UK engaged BbA with the following brand and marketing solutions:

  • Brand Development
  • Fractional CMO/Strategy
  • Social Media Management
  • Paid Media
  • Internal Communications
  • Data Purchase
  • Email Marketing

Actions Taken by BbA.

Brand Development.

Four years ago, BbA transformed Herbies’ marketing landscape by fostering robust connections with both customers and franchise owners. By crafting tailored processes, we’ve balanced the needs of franchisees with the imperative to safeguard the brand and commercial interests of the head office.

Fractional CMO/Strategy.

One of the main actions we took was in shaping marketing and commercial strategies through support at head office. We were able to craft franchisee brand frameworks through a means of central operations in order to provide comprehensive support. This was a critical step in aligning the franchisees under a unified brand vision.

Social Media Management.

One of the main issues Herbies faced was that franchisees were often taking marketing into their own hands. This meant that there was no clear brand identity or voice. By centralising processes through the senior team, BbA swiftly evolved into an indispensable extension of the team.

Paid Media.

BbA has helped empower franchisees by designing store print and digital materials. Targeted social media campaigns have allowed individuals to stay in touch with their audiences and receive a valuable return on investment. 

This was a welcomed opportunity for both parties as it allowed store owners more flexibility to increase their marketing, creating bespoke offers and content specific to their local customer base. Invoicing and reporting was also done on a store by store basis to support with accountability and speed to market.

Email Marketing.

We’ve deployed digital marketing initiatives to allow Herbies franchise owners to thrive in their local markets. With centralised messaging across the business, it’s become more professional and streamlined, without the need for owners to compete against each other.

Results Achieved.

In paid advertising, a single campaign provided a 491% ROI for the entire business. This demonstrates the power of unified messaging. The most impressive part was that 50% of these sales came from lapsed customers who had re-engaged with the brand. With social media, Instagram saw a 50% increase in visits, while Facebook saw +124%.

The results have been vast. Our partnership has expedited marketing delivery across the board, ensuring timely campaigns and initiatives that resonate with Herbies' national customer base. Individual franchise stores have reaped the benefits of personalised marketing strategies, driving engagement and loyalty within their respective communities. Serving as Herbies' internal marketing arm, we wield the authority to enact decisions and adjustments that optimise commercial and marketing strategies in real-time.

Our partnership with Herbies Pizza UK is a glowing example of our collaborative, adaptive marketing solutions, and how we can grow with businesses. By prioritising flexibility, innovation, and strategic alignment, we have not only revolutionised Herbies' understanding of marketing approach but also fortified their position as a key industry player. We look forward to supporting them into 2025 with the addition of exhibitions and an increased strategic input.

Our most recent paid ad campaign ran across all 20 stores and the ROI for the business as a whole was 491%.
Data revealed that 24% of sales were from new customers, while 50% were lapsed customers who re-engaged.
As a by-product of a recent paid ad, there was a 50% increase in Instagram visits and a 124% increase in Facebook visits.

Ready? Because we're here to help you grow!

Don't let poor marketing be the reason for stagnant growth; we're here to advise you and consistently deliver! 

We work alongside many brands to help achieve that "Yes!" moment. Can we help you reach yours?

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