Yummies TV & Film Catering.

Services Engaged:

  • Social Media Management
  • Email Marketing
  • Sales Collateral
  • Outsourced Marketing
  • Brand Development

Consistent, high-quality marketing for an impactful online presence.

Problems the Company Faced.

Yummies needed to swiftly generate new revenue, and they needed to do this while optimising resource allocation. One of those resources was outsourced marketing. Recognising the pivotal role of marketing in driving revenue growth and brand awareness, they enlisted our support to navigate these challenges effectively.

Services Engaged.

After the initial consultation, Yummies TV & Film Catering engaged BbA with the following brand and marketing solutions:

  • Social Media Management
  • Email Marketing
  • Sales Collateral
  • Outsourced Marketing
  • Brand Development

Actions Taken by BbA.

Social Media Management.

Responding to Yummies' urgent need for action, we jumped straight in with social media management across Instagram and LinkedIn. By defining distinct audience segments across these platforms, we tailored our approaches to resonate with each group's preferences and behaviours. In just one month, organic reach was increased by over 206%.

Email Marketing.

One of the ways in which we diversified Yummies’ marketing was through orchestrating precision-targeted email campaigns with the help of targeted B2B data. This was able to yield tangible traction in new markets, driving revenue growth and market expansion.

Over the months of our partnership, we also supported their transition to an industry-leading email automation tool to better support their efforts from deliverability and segmentation to workflows and reporting.

Sales Collateral.

Sales teams need to be properly equipped if they’re to sell the brand with ease. We crafted compelling sales collateral to help them do this, which has only helped them go from strength to strength. With the additional reporting offered by the email automation channel, we were also able to create warm lead lists for business development activity.

Outsourced Marketing.

When taking control of social media, the primary objective was to raise brand awareness, being constantly present in the minds of new and current customers. Central to our efforts was the cultivation of robust brand awareness, underpinned by the rapid establishment of a strong brand identity to fortify consistency and meaningful connection.

Brand Development.

In order to help Yummies grow and achieve a bigger market share, we helped develop the brand by incorporating changes that would offer tangible results. This included designing sustainable packaging and establishing a strong brand identity, as well as curating long-form content that resonated with their ideal customer profile.

Results Achieved.

Thanks to our efforts, we increased the database of B2B prospects 2.75 times. This also helped bring up the average engagement rate to 5.5% over a quarter and email CTRs by 1%. Content interactions also increased by over 135% in just one month.

Our partnership with Yummies emphasises the impact of strategic marketing solutions in driving brand awareness, revenue growth and related diversification. By aligning our efforts with Yummies' objectives and market opportunities, we enabled them to make informed decisions to grow their business with agility and resilience. The success has led to BbA being their key marketing partner to launch two new sub-brands in 2024: Yummies Office and Yummies Cakes.

Increased the database of B2B prospects by 275%.
We're proud to have had an average engagement rate of 5.5% over the last quarter.
We've increased email click through rates by 1%.

Ready? Because we're here to help you grow!

Don't let poor marketing be the reason for stagnant growth; we're here to advise you and consistently deliver!

We work alongside many brands to help achieve that "Yes!" moment. Can we help you reach yours?

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