How Sales Teams Can Maximise Marketing’s Social Media Efforts.

Feel like you're battling to make an impact with your organic social media feed? We've got you. Take a look at our top tips for maximising marketing's social media efforts.

12 August 2024

Marketers, feeling like you’re always battling to make an impact with your organic social media, with little help from internal stakeholders?

We hear you.

It can be frustrating when impressions, reach and views seem as unpredictable as the weather, yet you know that the content you’re sharing is right for your target audience. But here’s a game changer: your sales team is likely the secret weapon to organically boost your social media presence and gain conversions through social.

Oh, and if you find the below useful, just email us to get a copy of the visual PDF with screenshots to circulate internally to your teams.

The Power of Peer Sharing

Your employees are your greatest asset, and this extends to your social media strategy. Peer sharing can make your posts resonate more deeply and spread further than any paid ad.

LinkedIn’s algorithm prioritises personal profiles over business pages. It’s a place for conversations from real people’s feeds after all. Getting your sales team to share company content makes use of the Spiderweb Effect. Even if some users have fewer followers than company pages, the boosted algorithm from personal feeds will put your content in front of many more people.

What then happens is content gets seen by tens of thousands instead of however many followers you have on your company page. This is where the power of organically boosting your social media presence enters its own.

When people see other ‘humans’ engaging with a brand, they feel more comfortable and their curiosity is piqued, leading them to explore what the company is all about. This not only boosts engagement, but also increases brand awareness.

Benefits of Internal Brand Advocates

Many think that measuring the ROI of social media can be tricky, but as long as you’ve created the right content type to meet your overarching objective and aligned it with the appropriate metrics for reporting, it should be a walk in the park.

Key metrics across the funnel include:

  • Reach
  • Engagement Rate
  • Click Through Rate
  • Marketing Qualified Leads

To maximise these metrics, you need to get your social posts in front of as many eyes—the right eyes—as possible. The best way? Encourage employees to share and engage with your content. Here’s a fun fact: Tesla has 22.3M followers and Elon Musk has 193.5M. Having the bigger reach, Tesla always benefits when Musk shares and engages with its content. This demonstrates the point that consumers are looking to digest content from human advocates.

So, ready to harness this power? Here are some tips for boosting engagement on various social media platforms.

How to Share on LinkedIn

Link Personal and Professional Pages

On LinkedIn, personal profiles should connect seamlessly with company profiles. Ensure every employee links to the company’s page when adding their experience. This way, profile visitors can easily navigate to your business’ page. It can also be effective to use branded profile backgrounds to ensure your company’s branding and connection is obvious.

Screenshot of adding experience to a personal LinkedIn profile


Make sure employees click the bell icon on the company’s page to get notifications for new posts. This eliminates the need for constant reminders and ensures timely sharing.

Add Value

Encourage employees to add personal insights when they repost. Whether it’s a relevant anecdote or a unique perspective, these personal touches can spark conversations and add significant value.

Invite Connections

Give employees temporary access to the company’s page to invite their connections to follow. Personal invitations from trusted contacts are more likely to convert. Just remember you only get 250 credits per month, so if you’re a bigger organisation you might need to schedule in who gets access each month.

Comments and Tags

Instead of simply liking a post, employees should leave meaningful or value ad comments, such as sharing a perspective, or tagging others who might be interested. Sharing content in relevant groups can also amplify reach.

Boosting Engagement on Facebook

Share Stories

Sharing company stories makes your brand feel more relatable. Stories can reach broader audiences and create a more personal connection.

Favourite the Page

Prompt employees to add the company page to their favourites list. This ensures they see and can engage with new posts immediately.

Community Groups

Closed community groups on Facebook are great for building trust. Employees can tag your company in posts within relevant groups where they can offer real value.

Offer Interaction

Engagement goes beyond empty likes. Suggest employees respond to comments to keep the conversation going. Professional and thoughtful interactions can enhance your brand’s reputation.

Invite Friends to Follow the Page

Similar to LinkedIn, admins can allow employees to invite their friends to follow the company page. Personal invites are often more effective.

Engaging on Instagram

Get Reel

With 91% of Instagram users watching videos weekly, turning posts into Reels can significantly boost engagement. Create short, engaging videos to capture attention.

Sharing Stories

Similar to Facebook, sharing Instagram stories can extend your reach. Employees can add their thoughts and link to the business page.

Get Friends to Follow

Urge employees to ask their friends to follow the company’s page, especially those who might be interested in your business.

Interact With the Community

Instagram offers unique ways to engage, like slider reactions and stickers. Employees should use these tools to create interactive posts that invite others to share their experiences.

A Touch of Personal Branding

Effective personal branding can enhance these efforts. Even though consumers follow business pages, personal connections add more value. By building strong personal brands, employees can drive better engagement and help the company achieve real returns on social media.

Following these tips can help your social media strategy not only survive but thrive. Encourage your team to be active brand advocates, and watch your organic social efforts flourish.

Found our tips useful? Drop us an email to get a visual PDF version of our tips to circulate internally:

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